Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tomorrow's VC

Since this is my first post in 2010, let's start off by saying "Happy New Year!"
Now back to the regularly scheduled broadcast....

I decided about a week ago to begin to look at entrepreneurship from the investment side. Often times we spend lots of time focusing on developing entrepreneurs, but I rarely hear or see of any push to educate or mold younger individuals into smart, alternative investment professionals. Don't get me wrong, there are some programs out there, but there aren't very many nor any that I am aware of that focus on training within the south. It dawned on me that if we could educate younger individuals on both sides of the spectrum that we all might benefit as an entrepreneur and/or as a Venture Capitalist or other alternative investment professional. I've taken it upon myself to find and develop a group of individuals who can help lay out the guide lines for a program aimed at molding tomorrow's VC in the southern and midwest United States.

Stay tuned to this blog for more information on this group as it develops. If you have any comments or suggestions, I'm all ears. I look forward to this exciting development.

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